CAT Shuttle Local Help

Use the links below, or scroll to your area of interest.

CAT Shuttle Local Installation and Update

Open the CAT Shuttle Local installation and update page, and click on the Install button. Depending on your system and browser configuration, you may need to save the CAT Shuttle Local setup* program to your computer. Run the setup* program after the file download has completed.
* Your version of CAT Shuttle Local and the CAT Shuttle Local setup program may be different from those show below.


CAT Shuttle Local Setup Wizard

The CAT Shuttle Local Setup Wizard will always install or update to the most recent version of CAT Shuttle Local.
  1. Welcome to the CAT Shuttle Local Setup Wizard - Click on the Next button to start installing CAT Shuttle Local.

  2. Virtual Serial Port Driver - Check the Install Virtual Serial Port Driver checkbox if you need to create a virtual Serial (COM) port to connect to CAT Shuttle Local.

    Install the Virtual Serial Port Driver if...
    1. Your CAT software does not support TCP/IP Output, and you need to create a Serial COM port.
    2. You prefer to use your CAT software's Serial / COM Output, and need to create a Serial / COM port.
    3. You are updating CAT Shuttle, and you use the Virtual Serial Port Input.
    In response to a driver conflict encountered by some LightSpeed Classic users, the Virtual Serial Port Driver is now an optional installation component. If you use or need the Virtual Serial Port Input, you must check the Install Virtual Serial Port Driver checkbox during installation.

  3. Select Installation Folder - Set the installation folder and user access, then click on the Next button.

  4. Confirm Installation - Click on the Next button to start installing CAT Shuttle Local.

  5. Installing or Updating* CAT Shuttle Local - The progress bar will complete twice, initially while the CAT Shuttle Local files are downloaded, and then again as the installation is completed. The CAT Shuttle Local Information window will open after the progress bar completes for the second time.

    * All running instances of CAT Shuttle Local must be closed complete the update.

  6. CAT Shuttle Local Information - Read the information offered, and then click on the Next button.

    If you chose to Launch CAT Shuttle Local after installation, the CAT Shuttle Local Configuration splash window may open at this time. We recommend that you finish the CAT Shuttle Local installer before configuring CAT Shuttle Local (click on the Next button).

  7. Installation Complete - Click on the Close button to close the CAT Shuttle Local installer.

CAT Shuttle Local Configuration

CAT Shuttle Local Configuration will begin the first time that CAT Shuttle Local is started. During configuration you will choose how CAT Shuttle Local will acquire data. Upon completion, CAT Shuttle Local will enter normal start-up operations, connecting to Speche and beginning to listen for data using the selected usage mode. All CAT Shuttle Local Configuration settings will remain in effect until changed.
  1. Start CAT Shuttle Local

    Click on the CAT Shuttle Local icon to to start CAT Shuttle Local.

  2. Open a saved CAT Shuttle Local configuration file

    Choose Yes to open a saved CAT Shuttle Local configuration file.
    Choose No to configure CAT Shuttle Local.

  3. Splash window

    Click on the Configure... button to start CAT Shuttle Local Configuration.
    Click on the Cancel button to exit CAT Shuttle Local Configuration. CAT Shuttle Local Configuration will resume the next time CAT Shuttle Local is started.

  4. Select the Usage Mode

    CAT Shuttle Local can acquire data in four different ways: TCP Port, Remote Server, Serial Port, and Virtual Serial Port. Choose a Usage Mode that will work with the output options available to your software or device.

    CAT Software - Determine the output options available to the CAT software by reading the manual, viewing help, or contacting the vendor. Some older CAT systems can only output to a Serial / COM port, but most can also output to a remote server / encoder using an IP Address and TCP Port. If CAT Shuttle Local is installed on the same computer as the CAT software, the Usage Mode should be set to either TCP Server or Virtual Serial Port. If CAT Shuttle Local is installed on a separate computer, the Usage Mode should be set to either TCP Server or Serial Port (when using a multi-line block).

    You must choose to install the Virtual Serial Port Driver to have the Virtual Serial Port input option.

  5. Username and Password

    CAT Shuttle Local will use the entered Username and Password to connect to Speche and Remote Counsel events. Speche usernames and passwords are case-sensitive.
    Username and Password? - Don't have a Speche account? You weren't supplied credentials? Not to worry. Enter Username and Password (or anything). You still have time and options.

CAT Shuttle Local Usage

Quick Reference Links

  1. Start CAT Shuttle Local

  2. CAT Shuttle Local Start-Up Sequence

    1. Instance Check - CAT Shuttle Local will check your computer to determine of another instance of CAT Shuttle Local is already running. By default, only one instance of CAT Shuttle Local can be running on a single computer. To run multiple instances of CAT Shuttle Local on a computer, you must uncheck the 'Allow single instance only' checkbox in the Configuration window of the currently running instance.
    2. Update Check - At start-up, CAT Shuttle Local will check for available updates. You will be notified if an update is available, and given the choice to install the update (Yes) or to run CAT Shuttle Local (No).

    3. License Check - A registered instance of CAT Shuttle Local will try to connect to our servers to determine the current status of your license. Any status updates will applied to your license.
    4. CAT Shuttle Local UI - CAT Shuttle Local will open the primary display window.

    5. Connect to Speche - CAT Shuttle Local will try to connect to the Speche broadcast servers. The Speche connection state will be displayed in the Output panel.
    6. Connect to Output Device(s) - CAT Shuttle Local will try to connect to any additional Output Devices stored in the configuration file. The status of each Output Device will be reported in the Output panel.
    7. Username and Password Check - Upon connection to the Speche broadcast servers, CAT Shuttle Local will validate your username and password. You will be notified of a validation failure.

    8. Event Check - Upon validation of your username and password, CAT Shuttle Local will determine if it is connected to a live event. Event status updates are applied to both the Output panel and Quick Status bar.
    9. Determine Local Broadcast Access - Local Broadcasting will be enabled for all licenced installations upon completion of the Event Check. Registered installations must be connected to a live event to enable Local Broadcasting.
    10. Listen for Data - CAT Shuttle Local will monitor the selected Input for data. All incoming data is relayed to each Output Device (Speche). The input status is displayed in the Input panel and Quick Status bar.
      • TCP Port - CAT Shuttle Local will listen for a connection on the designated TCP Port.
      • Remote Server - CAT Shuttle Local will connect to the remote server (designated IP Address and Port) and begin listening for data.
      • Serial Port - CAT Shuttle Local will connect to the designated Serial Port and begin listening for data.
      • Virtual Serial Port - CAT Shuttle Local will create or attach to the designated Virtual Serial Port and begin listening for data.
      • Direct Input - CAT Shuttle Local will open the Direct INput form and begin listening for data.

  3. Speche and Remote Counsel Events

    1. Check any correspondence related to the event and verify the username and password to be used.
    2. Start CAT Shuttle Local.
    3. Open the Speche properties page to verify or change the username and password.
      • In the Menu Bar, click on Tools >> Change >> Username and Password
      • In the Output Panel, click on Speche Properties
      • In the Output Panel, click on the Speche row in the Output display and then click on Properties
      • The username and password are case sensitive.
      • Upon change to the username or password:
        • CAT Shuttle Local will reconnect to the Speche servers.
        • You will be nofitied if your username and password cannot be validated.
    4. Verify the Event Status for your connection.
      • In the Quick Status Bar, a green Event Status (E) indicates a live event.
      • In the Output Panel, "YES" in the Event column of the Speche row indicates a live event.
    5. Make the data connection.
    6. Verify the status of the data connection.
      • Check the Data Status in the Input Panel.
      • In the Quick Status Bar, a green or yellow Input Status (I) indicates an active or idle data connection.
    7. Verify that CAT Shuttle Local is receiving and sending data.
      • Send data through the selected data source (your CAT software or other).
      • In the Input Panel, the Bytes Received should be increasing.
      • In the Output Panel, the Bytes Sent should be increasing.
      • Both the Input Status (I) and the Output Status (O) in the Quick Status Bar should be green.
    8. Acquire audio, if doing a remote job.

  4. Start a Local Broadcast

    CAT Shuttle Local must be registered or licensed to enable local broadcasting. Licensed CAT Shuttle Local installations can start a local broadcast at any time.
    Registered CAT Shuttle Local installations must be connected to a live server event to start a local broadcast.
    1. Start CAT Shuttle Local.
    2. Licensed Installations:
      • With Server Event: Perform steps a and b, below, to connect to the server event before continuing to #3.
      • No Server Event: Continue to #3.
      Registered (only) Installations: Perform steps a and b, below, to connect the server event before continuing to #3.
      1. Open the Speche properties page to verify or change the username and password.
        • In the Menu Bar, click on Tools >> Change >> Username and Password
        • In the Output Panel, click on Speche Properties
        • In the Output Panel, click on the Speche row in the Output display and then click on Properties
        • The username and password are case sensitive.
        • Upon change to the username or password:
          • CAT Shuttle Local will reconnect to the Speche servers.
          • You will be nofitied if your username and password cannot be validated.
      2. Verify the Event Status for your connection.
        • In the Quick Status Bar, a green Event Status (E) indicates a live event.
        • In the Output Panel, "YES" in the Event column of the Speche row indicates a live event.
    3. Add a Local Broadcast output.
      • Click on the Local Broadcast: Start Now link in the Settings Panel.
      • Click on Add an Output in the Output Panel and select Local Broadcast.
      • In the Menu Bar, click on Tools >> Change >> Output >> Add and select Local Broadcast.
    4. Configure and start the Local Broadcast.
    5. Distribute viewer access from the Local Broadcast Properties Page.
    6. Click on the Viewer Link in the Local Broadcast Properties Page to open an HTTP Viewer in your default browser.
    7. Make the data connection.
    8. Verify the status of the data connection.
      • Check the Data Status in the Input Panel.
      • In the Quick Status Bar, a green or yellow Input Status (I) indicates an active or idle data connection.
    9. Verify that CAT Shuttle Local is receiving and sending data.
      • Send data through the selected data source (your CAT software or other).
      • In the Input Panel, the Bytes Received should be increasing.
      • In the Output Panel, the Bytes Sent should be increasing.
      • Both the Input Status (I) and the Output Status (O) in the Quick Status Bar should be green.
      • You should see your data in the HTTP Viewer.
        Data Issues: Verify / change the Data Format assigned to the Local Broadcast.
        1. Open the Local Broadcast configuration.
          • Click on the Local Broadcast: Start Now link in the Settings Panel.
          • Click on Add an Output in the Output Panel and select Local Broadcast.
          • In the Menu Bar, click on Tools >> Change >> Output >> Add and select Local Broadcast.
        2. Select the appropriate Data Format for your data source.
    10. Acquire audio, if doing a remote job.

  5. CAT Shuttle Local User Interface

    The CAT Shuttle Local UI help is broken into six sections:
    1. Quick Status Bar
    2. Menu Bar
    3. Input Panel
    4. Output Panel
    5. Registration and Licensing
    6. Notification and Application Settings
    7. About Panel

    1. Quick Status Bar

      Your key status indicators, available at a glance.
      • I: Input Status
           - Initializing input device | Input device failure
           - No input connection : Waiting (or reconnecting)
           - Input connected : Idle (no incoming data)
           - Input connected : Active (receiving data)
      • O: Output Status
           - Initializing output device | Output device failure
           - No output connection : Reconnecting
           - Output connected : Idle (no outgoing data)
           - Output connected : Active (sending data)
      • E: Event Status
           - Checking event status | Status check failure
           - No event connection | No event found for the supplied account / credentials
           - Connected to a live event
      • Examples:
        Initial Quick Status at application load:

        At start-up with no event: Waiting on input, Connected to output (but idle), No event:

        At start-up with a live event: Waiting on input, Connected to output (but idle), Connected to a live event:

        Active connections with a live event: Receiving input, Sending output, Connected to a live event:

    2. Menu Bar

      Access every tool, feature, or option through the Menu bar.
      • File
        • Configure - Modify your CAT Shuttle Local configuration
          • Input
            • Change Input - Change the data source.
            • Input Properties - Change the properties of the current data source.
          • Output
            • Output Properties
              • Speche - Change the Speche output properties.
              • Serial - Change the Serial output properties.
            • Add an Output - Add an output device.
            • Remove an Output - Remove an output device. An output device must be hightlighted to enable this menu item.
            • Username / Password - Change the username and password for your Speche connection.
            • Encryption - Change the encryption setting for your Speche Connection.
          • Application Settings - Open the Notifications and Application Settings panel
          • Notifications - Open the Notifications and Application Settings panel
        • Load Configuration... - Load a saved configuration file
        • Save Configuration... - Save your configuration to a file
        • Print Configuration... - Print your configuration
        • Exit - Close CAT Shuttle Local
      • Tools
        • Viewers
          • Reporter Access Portal - RAP is command center for running Speche and Remote Counsel Events.
          • Local Viewer - Open a local text viewer and assign a data format.
        • Change
          • Input - Change the data source.
          • Output
            • Add - Add an output device.
            • Remove - Remove an output device. An output device must be hightlighted to enable this menu item.
            • Properties
              • Speche - Change the Speche connection properties.
              • Serial - Change the Serial output properties.
        • Troubleshooting
          • Reset Input Device - Stop and restart the current input device.
          • Reset Output Device(s) - Stop and restart all output devices.
          • Local Viewer - Open a local text viewer and assign a data format.
      • Help
        • CAT Shuttle Local Help - Open the CAT Shuttle Local help page (this document).
        • Registration - Open the Registration and Licensing window. Register CAT Shuttel Local or update your registration.
        • Licensing - Open the Registration and Licensing window. Registered CAT Shuttle Local installations can enter a provided Company Code or purchase a subscription.
        • About CAT Shuttle Local - Open the About panel.

    3. Input Panel

      Use the Input panel to monitor or change the data source.

      • Change Input - Click on the Change Input button to open the Change Input panel and change the data source properties or select a different data source.
      • Data Source - The input selection being monitored by CAT Shuttle Local. Examples: TCP Port 7000, Virtual COM5, Direct Input
      • Data Status - The status of the data source connection. Examples: No Connection..., Connected
      • Bytes Received - The number of bytes received over the current data source connection. This value will reset (to 0) with every reconnection or input change.
      • Disconnections - The number of disconnections between CAT Shuttle Local and the data source. This value will reset (to 0) with every input change.

    4. Change Input Panel

      Use the Change Input panel to select a data source or change its properties.

      • Select Data Source - The pull-down will display the current data source. Selecting a different data source will enable both the Save and Reset buttons.
      • Properties - The available properties for the current data source. Changing any properties of a data source will enable both the Save and Reset buttons.
      • Save - Save any changes to the data source or its properties.
      • Reset - Reset the Change Input panel (to the current data source and properties).
      • Cancel - Cancel out of the Change Input panel without making any changes.

      Data Sources and Properties

      • Use TCP Port to accept a TCP connection from your (CAT) software or device.
      • Use Remote Server to make a TCP connection to a remote data server.
      • Use Serial Port to connect to an existing Serial / COM port or USB Serial device.
      • Use Virtual Serial Port to create a virtual Serial / COM port that your (CAT) software or device can connect to.
      • Use Direct Input to send keyboard data or use voice recognition software.

      • TCP Port
        Use this input to receive data from software or devices that can make TCP connections. CAT Shuttle Local will listen for connections on the selected TCP Port.

        1. Choose TCP Port in the Select Data Source pull-down.
        2. Choose a TCP Port number that will be monitored for a connection.
        3. Save the new input.
          • If the selected port is in use, a different port must be selected.
        4. Start the connecting device or software (if not already started).
        5. Connect the device or software to CAT Shuttle Local.
          • Connection IP Address - Connections from the same computer should use localhost or for the IP Address.  Connections from another computer should use the IP Address (public or private) of the computer that is running CAT Shuttle Local.
          • Connection Port - Use the TCP Port selected in #2. The selected port will be displayed as the Input panel Data Source.
        6. Check the Data Status (Input panel) to determine whether your device or software is connected to CAT Shuttle Local.

      • Remote Server
        Use this input to receive data from software or devices that accept TCP connections. CAT Shuttle Local will connect to the designated IP Address and Port.

        1. Start the software or device that will listen for a TCP connection from CAT Shuttle Local.
        2. Choose Remote Server in Select Data Source pull-down.
        3. Enter the IP Address of the remote server.
        4. Enter the TCP Port that is being monitored by the remote server.
        5. Save the new input.
        6. Check the Data Status (Input panel) to determine whether CAT Shuttle Local is connected to the remove server.
        7. (Optional) Verify the CAT Shuttle Local connecton on the remote server.

      • Serial Port
        Use this input to receive data from a Serial Port (or USB Serial Device).

        1. Enable the Serial Port or USB Serial device, if needed.
        2. Connect the appropriate cable, serial or USB, to the computer running CAT Shuttle Local.
        3. Connect the other end of the cable to the data provider (multi-line block, encoder, or a computer running CAT software).
        4. Verify the Serial Port properties of the data provider connection.
        5. Choose Serial Port in the Select Data Source pull-down.
        6. Choose the Serial (COM) Port.
        7. Set the connection properties to match the properties used by the data provider.

        8. Save the new input.
          • If the selected port is in use, a different port must be selected.
        9. Check the Data Status (Input panel) to verify that CAT Shuttle Local is connected to the Serial Port or USB Serial Device.

      • Virtual Serial Port
        Use this input to create a Virtual Serial Port to receive serial data from an application on this computer.
        You must choose to install the Virtual Serial Port Driver to have the Virtual Serial Port input option.

        1. Choose Virtual Serial Port in the Select Data Source pull-down.
        2. Choose the Virtual Serial (COM) Port that will be created.
        3. Save the new input.
          • If the selected port no longer available, a different port must be selected.
        4. Start the application or device that will connect to the virtual serial port.
          • Many applications only scan for serial ports at start-up.
        5. Connect the application or device to the Virtual Serial (COM) Port selected in #2.
        6. Check the Data Status in the Input panel to verify that your software connected to the Virtual Serial Port.

      • Direct Input
        CAT Shuttle Local can accept data from a keyboard or voice-recognition software through the Direct Input Form.

        1. Choose Direct Input in the Select Data Source pull-down.
        2. Save the new input.
        3. The Direct Input Form will open.
        4. Place your cursor in the text area.
        5. Type into the text area using your keyboard or software.

    5. Output Panel

      Use the Output panel to monitor or change your outputs.

      • Output Devices / Connections - Each row represents an output device / outbound connection. Double click on an output (row) to open its properties page.
        1. Type - The type of output in that row: Speche, Viewer, or Local (Broadcast).
        2. Desc(ription) - Description of the output or connection.
        3. State - The current connection state: Connecting, Connected, or Disconnected.
        4. Bytes Sent - The number of bytes sent over each connection.
        5. Event - Live event state: Yes or No (Speche connection only).

      • Add an Output Add an Output - Add a new output device / outbound connection.
        Output Selection: Serial Port, Local Broadcast, or Speche Servers.
        1. No Outputs: The following message will be offered when no outputs are available.

          No Outputs Available

          • Serial Port: A serial port must be found on the computer or device. Enable an existing serial port or add a USB serial device to enable this option.
          • Local Broadcast: This option is only available to registered and licensed installations.
            1. Licenced installations can start a local broadcast at any time.
            2. Registered installations must be conneced to a server event to start a local broadcast.
          • Speche Servers: This option is enabled if the Speche output is removed (closed). Only licensed installations can remove the Speche output.

        2. Serial Port - To output to a serial port, select the Serial Port device type and configure its properties. A Serial (COM) Port must be found to enable this option.

          Output to a Serial Port

          • Serial / COM Port - Select the port to use, if more than one is available.
          • Description - (Optional) Enter a name or description for the output.
          • Parity - Set the parity to match the receiving device.
          • Data Bits - Set the data bits to match the receiving device.
          • Stop Bits - Set the stop bits to match the receiving device.
          • Baud Rate - Set the baud rate to match the receiving device. If you do not see the required rate, choose the text box and enter it.
          • Add - Click on the Add button to establish the outbound connection to the selected serial port.
          • Cancel - Click on the Cancel button to exit without adding an output.

          Serial / COM Port Output Display - A row will be added to the Output display for Serial / COM connection.

          Output to a Serial Port

          Serial Port Properties Page - Open the Serial Port Properties Page to change the connection properties.
          • Double-click on the Serial / COM Port row in the Output Display.
          • Click on the Serial / COM Port row in the Output Display and click on Properties.

          Output to a Serial Port

        3. Local Broadcast - To start a local broadcast, select the Local Broadcast device type and configure its proprties.

          Start a Local Broadcast

          • Title - Enter the title of the local broadcast. While connected to a server event, the title will be assigned by the server event.
          • Password - (Optional) Edit the password. While connected to a server event, the password will be assigned by the server event.
          • Data Format - Select the Data Format being recevied from the Input data source.

            Start a Local Broadcast

            • CaseView - Select CaseView when receiving (Summation) CaseView from CAT software.
            • ASCII - Select ASCII when receiving ANSI or ASCII data from a keyboard or CAT software. ASCII is the default Data Format when the data source is the Direct Input form
            • Line 21 - Select Line 21 when receiving data formatted for television encoding (IEA-608 / CEA-608).
            • Bridge - Select Bridge when receiving Bridge data from Eclipse.
            • Unicode - Select Unicode when receiving non-English language data from the Direct Input form.
          • HTTP Port - (Advanced : Not Recommended) Change the port that will be monitored for HTTP requests.
          • TCP Port - (Advanced : Not Recommended) Change the port that will be monitored for TCP requests.
          • UDP Port - (Advanced : Not Recommended) Change the port that will be monintored for UDP auto-discovery.
          • Add - Click on the Add button to start the local broadcast and open the Local Broadcast Properties Page.
          • Cancel - Click on the Cancel button to exit without adding an output.

          Local Broadcast Properties Page - Distribute viewer access informion for your Local Broadcast.

          Local Broadcast Properties Page

          • Viewer Link - Click on the Viewer Link to open an HTTP Viewer in your default browser.
          • SpecheBoxMS Installer Link - Click on the SpecheBoxMS Installer Link to install the SpecheBoxMS application on your computer.
          • Print Button - Print the local broadcast access instructions.
          • Save Button - Save the local broadcast access instructions to a file.
          • Email Button - Email the local broadcast access instructions.
          • Copy Button - Copy the local broadcast access instructions to your clipboard.
          • Exit Button - Close the Local Broadcast Properties page.

          Local Broadcast Output Display - A row will be added to the Output display for the local broadcast.

          Local Broadcast Output Display

          Local Broadcast HTTP Viewer - Viewers connecting with the Viewer Link will open the HTTP viewer.

          Local Broadcast HTTP Viewer

          • Font... Pull-down - Change the font used in the transcript display.
          • Size... Pull-down - Change the font size used in the transcript display.
          • Text... Pull-down - Change the text color in the transcript display.
          • Background... Pull-down - Change the background color in the transcript display.
          • Pause / Play Button:
            • Pause - Click on the Pause button to pause the addition of text to the transcript display and allow scrolling.
            • Play - Click on the Play button to return to the live transcript feed.

        4. Speche Servers - To (re-)connect to Speche, select the Speche Servers device type and click on the Add button.

          Reconnect to Speche

          • Add - Click on the Add button to establish the outbound connection to the Speche servers.
          • Cancel - Click on the Cancel button to exit without adding an output.

      • Remove an Output Remove an Output - Remove the selected output device / outbound connection. To enable this option, you must select a row in the output panel.
        1. Select an output (row) in the output display.
        2. Click on the Remove an Output button Remove an Output.
        3. Confirm your removal selection.
        4. Removing the last output will trigger following actions:
          • You will be notified.

            No Outputs 1

          • The Output Display and the Add and Output button will change color.

            No Outputs 2

      • Properties Output Properties - Open the properties page of the selected output devcie / outbound connection. To enable this option, you must select a row in the output panel.
        • Double-click on an output (row) in the output display.
        • Using the Properties button Properties.
          1. Select an output (row) in the output display.
          2. Click on the Properties button Properties.

      • Speche Properties Speche Properties - Click on Speche Properties to open the Speche properties page.


        • Username - Enter or edit the username for your Speche or Remote Counsel event.
        • Password - Enter or edit the password for your Speche or Remote Counsel event.
        • Encrypted Connection - Check this box to encrypt your Speche connection (default).
          Encrypted Speche connections will be attempted in the following order.
          • Connect to server port 443 using SSL / TLS.
          • Connect to server port 4000 using an 1028 bit RSA key exchange with DES data encryption.
          • Connect to server port 80 using an 1028 bit RSA key exchange with DES data encryption.
        • OK Button - Click OK to commit any changes and reconnect to Speche.
        • Cancel Button - Click Cancel to ignore any changes and exit the Speche properties page.

      • Viewer Viewer - Click on Viewer to open the Local Viewer form. The local Viewer allows you to see your output text, and troubleshoot data and data format issues.

        • Data Format - Select or change the Data Format applied to the Input data source. You must click the Apply button to use the selected Data Format.
          Changes to the Data Format are applied to an active Local Broadcast.
          The new Data Format is applied to data received after clicking on the Apply button.
          • Raw Data - Select Raw Data to view unmodified data. Data rendering will depend on the chosen Text Encoding. Raw Data is the default Data Format.
          • CaseView - Select CaseView when receiving (Summation) CaseView from CAT software.
          • ASCII / ANSI - Select ASCII / ANSI when receiving ASCII (0-127) or ANSI (0-255) data from a keyboard or CAT software. ASCII / ANSI is the default Data Format when using the Direct Input form.
          • Line 21 - Select Line 21 when receiving data formatted for television encoding (IEA-608 / CEA-608).
          • Bridge - Select Bridge when receiving Law Bridge Protocol from from Eclipse or other CAT Software.
          • Unicode - Select Unicode when receiving non-English language data from the Direct Input form.
        • Text Encoding - Select or change the Text Encoding applied to the Input data source. You must click the Apply button to use the selected Data Format. Changes to the Text Encoding do affect any outputs.
          Some symbolic languages may require Unicode encoding to display correctly.
          Some keyboard input may require Western European encoding to display correctly.
          The new Text Encoding is applied to data received after clicking on the Apply button.
        • Apply Button - Click on the Apply button to apply a change in Data Format or Text Encoding.
        • Cancel Button - Click the Cancel button to reset any changes made to the Data Format or Text Encoding.
        • Top Window Checkbox - Check the Top Window checkbox to keep the Local Viewer form on top of all other windows in your desktop display.
        • Pause / Resume Data Button:
          • Pasue Data Button - Click on the Pause Data button to pause the addition of text and allow scrolling.
          • Resume Data Button - Click on the Resume Data button to resume the live data feed.
        • Change Font Button - Click on the Change Font button to change the font, font style, or font size.

    6. Settings Panel

      Use the Settings Panel to view key status information, open the registration and licensing form, and to start local broadcasts.
      Settings at Installation


      • Notifications status:
        • Enabled - Notificaitons are sent to the provided serer or relay.
        • Disabled - Notification milestones are ignored.
        • Clicking on the status will open the Notifications and Applicaiton Settings panel.
      • Logging status:
        • Enabled - Usage and connection information will be logged on your computer.
        • Disabled - Usage logs are not maintained. Local logging of errors cannot be disabled.
        • Clicking on the status will open the Notifications and Applicaiton Settings panel.
      • Single Instance status:
        • Enabled - (Recommended) Allow only one instance of CAT Shuttle Local to run on your computer.
        • Disabled - (Advanced) Allow mulitple CAT Shuttle Local instances to run on your computer.
        • Clicking on the status will open the Notifications and Applicaiton Settings panel.
      • Registration status:
        • Register Now - Register CAT Shuttle Local to enable Local Broadcasting, and other features, while connected to a server event. You will receive a 72-hour trial license with your initial registration.
        • Registered - Local Broadcasting, and other features, will be enabled while connected to a server event.
        • Clicking on the status will open the Registration and Licensing form.
      • Licensing status:
        • Register Now - Register CAT Shuttle Local to enable Local Broadcasting, and other features, while connected to a server event. You will receive a 72-hour trial license with your initial registration.
        • Temporary - Local Broadcasting, and other features, will be enabled for the duration of the trial license.
        • Company Code - Local Broadcasting, and other features, will be enabled while the Company Code and your access remain activated.
        • Licensed - Local Broadcasting, and other features, will be enabled for the duration of your license subscription.
        • Clicking on the status will open the Registration and Licensing form.
      • Local Broadcast status:
        • Diabled - Local Broadcasting is disabled.
        • with Server Event - A connection to live server event is required to enable Local Broadcasting.
        • Start Now - Local Broadcasting is enabled.
        • Broadcasting - A Local Broadcast is under way.
        • Clicking on Start Now will open the Add an Output form with Local Broadcast selected.
        • Clicking on Broadcasting will open the Local Broadcast configuration.

      Settings after initial Registration

      Register Start

      Settings after expiration of Trial License


      Settings while using a Company Code

      Company Code

      Settings while using a License subscription


    7. Direct Input Form

      Use the Direct Input form to send data from your keyboard or voice-recognition software.
      • Opening and closing of the Direct Input form is controlled through the Input Panel.
      • The data source must be set to Direct Input to open the Direct Input form.
      • The Direct Input form can be resized, but it cannot be minimized.
      • The Direct Input form can always be accessed through its task bar icon.
      • Check the Top Window box to prevent any windows from covering the Direct Input form.

      Input Mode

      • Pause Button - Click on the Pause button to stop data transmission and enter Pause Mode.
      • Change Font Button - Click on the Change Font button to change the Font, Font Style, or Font Size of the entered text. Changing the Font attributes will only impact your display.
      • Top Window Checkbox - Check the Top Window checkbox to keep the Direct Input form on top of all other windows in your desktop display.
      • Text Area - Place your cursor (click) within the text area and type (or speak). The entered text is sent to all outputs / viewers.

      Pause Mode

      • Resume Button - Click on the Resume button to enter Input Mode and send data.
      • Change Font Button - Click on the Change Font button to change the Font, Font Style, or Font Size of the entered text. Changing the Font attributes will only impact your display.
      • Top Window Checkbox - Check the Top Window checkbox to keep the Direct Input form on top of all other windows in your desktop display.
      • Text Area - The transcript can be copied, but it cannot be edited while in Pause Mode.

    8. Registration and Licensing

      • Register your installation to enable Local Broadcasting, and other features, while connected to a server event.
      • License your installation to enable all CAT Shuttle Local features and on-demand Local Broadcasting.

      1. Open the Registration and Licensing form:
        • In the Menu Bar, click on Help >> Registration
        • In the Menu Bar, click on Help >> Licensing
        • Click on the Registration: link (Register Now, Registered) in the Settings Panel.
        • Click on the Licensing: link (Register Now, Temporary, License Now, Company Code, Licesned) in the Settings Panel.
      2. Choose a link or scroll down through Registration and Licensing help.

      • Registration - To register CAT Shuttle Local:

        1. Fill out the Online Registration panel.
        2. Click on the Register button.
        3. A registration status of Registered, and license status of Temporary should appear in the Settings panel.
        4. After the trial license has expired, a registration status of Registered, and license status of License Now will appear in the Settings panel.

        • Company Name - (optional) Enter the name of your business.
        • First Name - Enter your first name.
        • Last Name - Enter your last name.
        • Street Address - Enter your street address. Enter your mail address, if different from your street address.
        • Street Address 2 - (optional) Additional address identifiers (building, suite, etc...)
        • City - Enter the name of your city.
        • State or Province - Enter the name of your state, province, or regional designation.
        • Postal Code - Enter your postal or zip code.
        • Country - Enter the name of your country.
        • Email Address - Enter your email address. A registration notification will be sent to this email address.
        • Phone - Enter your phone number, with area code. Please include your international code, if located outside the United States.
        • Register Button - Click on the Register button to submit your registration.
          Upon successful registration:
          1. A registration notification will be sent to the supplied email address.
          2. Your 72-hour trial license will begin.
        • Cancel Button - Click on the Cancel button to discard any changes and close the form.

      • Registration with a Company Code - To register CAT Shuttle Local with a Company Code:

        1. Fill out or update the Online Registration panel.
        2. Check the I have a Company Code checkbox.
        3. Enter or paste a Company Code into the text box.
        4. Check the employee assertion checkbox.
        5. Click on the Register or Update button.
        6. A license status of Company Code should appear in the Settings panel.

        • I have a Company Code Checkbox - Check this box to enter a Company Code.
        • Company Code Text Box - Enter or paste your Company Code into the exposed text box.
        • Assertion Checkbox - Check the employee assertion checkbox.
        • Register or Update Button - Click on the Register or Update button to submit your registration or registration update. Upon successful registration or registration update:
          1. A registration (update) notification will be sent to the supplied email address.
          2. The Company Code license will be applied.
        • Cancel Button - Click on the Cancel button to discard any changes and close the form.

      • Registration Update - To update your CAT Shuttle Local registration:

        1. Edit the fields in the Online Registration panel.
        2. Click on the Update button.

        • Subscriptions... Button - Click on the Subscriptions... button to purchase a license subscription.
        • Update Button - Click on the Update button to submit your registration update. Upon successful registration update:
          1. A registration update notification will be sent to the supplied email address.
        • Cancel Button - Click on the Cancel button to discard any changes and close the form.

      • Purchase a License Subscriptions - To purchase a License subscription:
        CAT Shuttle Local must be registered to purchase a license subscription.

        1. Click on the Subscriptions... button to open the Subcription Options form.
        2. Select a subscription option.
        3. Click on the Continue button open the payment processing web site.
        4. Complete the purchase process.
        5. Restart CAT Shuttle Local to apply your license.
          A serial number will be sent with your subscription notification..
        6. A license status of Licensed should appear in the Settings panel.

        • Monthly Subscription - Monthly subscriptions are billed on the day of purchase, each month. You can cancel your subscription at any time.
        • Annual Subscription - Annual subscriptions are billed annually on the day of purchase. You can cancel your subscription at any time.
        • Continue Button - Continue to the payment processing web site.
        • Cancel Button - Close the Subscription Options form.

      • Add a License (Serial Number) - To manually license CAT Shuttle Local:

        1. Enter or paste the serial number into the Serial Number textbox.
        2. Click on the Apply button to apply the license.
        3. A license status of Licensed should appear in the Settings panel.

        • Serial Nuber Textbox - Enter or paste the serial number into the textbox.
        • Apply Button - Click on the Apply button to apply the license.
        • Cancel Button - Click on the Cancel button to discard any changes and close the form.

    9. Notifications and Application Settings Panel

      The Notifications and Application Settings panel allows you set up e-mail notifications from CAT Shuttle Local. Notifications are to assist with the administration of CAT Shuttle Local instances running on remote servers. Verify the SMTP server and e-mail address before enabling this feature. Notifications failures will be logged in the CAT Shuttle Local error log.

      • Notifications
        • SMTP Server or Web Relay - Enter the DNS name or an IP Address of your SMTP server or Web Relay.
        • Notification Email Address - Enter the e-mail address that will CAT Shuttle Local send notifications to.
        • Send notifications - When Checked, CAT Shuttle Local will send notifications to entered Notification E-mail Address through the entered SMTP Server or Web Relay.
      • Appliction Settings
        • Allow single instance only - Uncheck to run multiple instances of CAT Shuttle on the same computer.
        • Enable Logging - Check Enable Logging to have CAT Shuttle Local write to a log file, CSBC.exe_Log.txt, in the installation folder. Windows 8 or later: The log file, configuration file, and error log will be located in
          %LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Speche Communications\CAT Shuttle Local.
      • OK - Return to the primary display window.

    10. About Panel

      The About panel displays your verion of CAT Shuttle Local and how to obtain support.

      • OK - Return to the primary display window.

Repair or Uninstall

CAT Shuttle Local can be repaired or uninstalled in two ways: