The Transcript menu item will open or close the Transcript Options panel
The Close icon will close the Transcript Options panel
Transcript Options
Open Transcript - Open a snapshot of the transcript in a new browser window
Save Transcript - Save the transcript (and annotations) to your computer
Use the Save panel to save the transcript (and annotations)
With AnnotationsWithout Annotations
Select a File Type:
Annotations Quick Report (.txt) - Text file containing Annotations with page, line, and transcript references
TextMap® XMPTF Transcript** (.xmptf) - TextMap portable transcript format
LiveNote® PTF Transcript** (.ptf) - LiveNote portable transcript format
HTML Transcript (.htm) - Formatted HTML transcript file
Text Transcript (.txt) - Text only transcript file
** Available annotations will be included in the file
Modify the File Name, as desired
Change the Encoding, if necessary
ASCII / ANSI is required for import into most litigation support software
UTF-8 encoding will preserve most characters outside of the Extended ASCII range
Click on the Save button
Current browsers will treat the file as an automatic download
Some (older) browsers may still open a Save Dialog
Email Transcript - Email the transcript as an attachment
Use the Email panel to email the transcript (and annotations)
With AnnotationsWithout Annotations
Select a File Type:
Annotations Quick Report (.txt) - Text file containing Annotations with page, line, and transcript references
TextMap® XMPTF Transcript** (.xmptf) - TextMap portable transcript format
LiveNote® PTF Transcript** (.ptf) - LiveNote portable transcript format
HTML Transcript (.htm) - Formatted HTML transcript file
Text Transcript (.txt) - Text only transcript file
** Available annotations will be included in the file
Enter or modify the Recipient email address - If available, your email address will be the default recipient
Click on the Send button - The email and attachment will be sent by our server
A brief pop-up will confirm send success
Emails are sent by: Remote Counsel <>
Stream Transcript - Stream the transcript to your Lit. Support software
Use the Stream Transcript panel to (install SpecheBox Relay) and initiate a transcript stream
To stream a transcript, SpecheBox Relay must be installed on the viewing computer Click on the Install SpecheBox Relay link to open the installer page SpecheBox Relay will
connect directly to our broadcast server
create virtual serial ports on your computer (when running)
notify you where to connect your Lit. Support software
become the default application for .sbc files
Click on the Relay Link to start SpecheBox Relay
When notified, connect your Lit. Support software to the designated port
Click on the Relay Help link to open the SpecheBox Relay Help page
Link Problems? Browser configuration or security settings may prevent SpecheBox Relay activation through a browser link
Save an Event File to initiate a Transcript Stream
Click on the Save button to save the Event File to your computer - Most browsers will treat this as a download
Run, open, or double-click on the saved Event File to start SpecheBox Relay
(10)Open / Close Display Settingsless...
The Settings menu item will open or close the Display Settings panel
The Close icon will close the Display Settings panel
Display Settings
Font - Choose a Font Family and (optional) Font
Click on the Save Notes button Your annotations can always be saved as a Quick Report Your annotations can be saved with the transcript when Save Transcript is enabled
Use the Save panel to save your annotations (and transcript)
With TranscriptWithout Transcript
Select a File Type:
Annotations Quick Report (.txt) - Text file containing Annotations with page, line, and transcript references
TextMap® XMPTF Transcript** (.xmptf) - TextMap portable transcript format
LiveNote® PTF Transcript** (.ptf) - LiveNote portable transcript format
HTML Transcript (.htm) - Formatted HTML transcript file
Text Transcript (.txt) - Text only transcript file
** Available annotations will be included in the file
Modify the File Name, as desired
Change the Encoding, if necessary
ASCII / ANSI is required for import into most litigation support software
UTF-8 encoding will preserve most characters outside of the Extended ASCII range
Click on the Save button
Current browsers will treat the file as an automatic download
Some (older) browsers may still open a Save Dialog
Click on the Save Notes button Your annotations can always be emailed as a Quick Report Your annotations can be emailed with the transcript when Email Transcript is enabled
Use the Email panel to email your annotations (and transcript)
With TranscriptWithout Transcript
Select a File Type:
Annotations Quick Report (.txt) - Text file containing Annotations with page, line, and transcript references
TextMap® XMPTF Transcript** (.xmptf) - TextMap portable transcript format
LiveNote® PTF Transcript** (.ptf) - LiveNote portable transcript format
HTML Transcript (.htm) - Formatted HTML transcript file
Text Transcript (.txt) - Text only transcript file
** Available annotations will be included in the file
Enter or modify the Recipient email address - If available, your email address will be the default recipient
Click on the Send button - The email and attachment will be sent by our server
A brief pop-up will confirm send success
Emails are sent by: Remote Counsel <>
Browser Support: Your browser must support HTML5, CSS3, and the Websockets.
As of November 2021, nearly all available browsers support these features.
JavaScript must be enabled.
Data Connections:
HTTP and WS connections are requested from
HTTPS and WSS connections are requested from
Firewall, proxy server, and security device interactions are handled through your browser. Enter any necessary information into your browser, to allow connections through your firewall, proxy server, or security device.
Most network security configurations allow Websockets over HTTPS / WSS. It may be necessary to enable Websockets on some hardware security devices.