Speche Downloads

Please review the list of Documents and Software available for download. Please click on the link to the right of the description to initiate the download.

DescriptionClick to Download
How eScription Works (MS Word / HTML).MS Word / HTML
Player Implementation Guide. This guide will walk you through either adding the SpecheBox or a link to the SpecheBox to any web page.Player Guide
Tips for Viewing eScription and C.A.R.T. eScription Events (MS Word / HTML).MS Word / HTML
Setting Up Text Synchronization With eScription (MS Word / HTML).MS Word / HTML
CAT Shuttle is a free application for sending data to Speche from a keyboard, CAT software, Voice-recognition software, or just about anything that can generate text. See the CAT Shuttle Help page for additional information.
With Adobe Reader, you can read and print out our data sheets.